we are love-remebering our divine essence
Dear energy worker,
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, in traffic getting annoyed at fellow drivers, at the checkout at the supermarket, feeling hungry, tired, impatient, it is very easy to forget one of the most powerful truths of our existence: we are love. At our core, we are not just mere flesh and bones, bound by the limits of our human experience. We are the essence of the divine, the very reflection of God, and when we remember this, everything changes.
When we realize that we are love, fear begins to melt away. Fear thrives on the illusion of separation—separation from each other, from the world, and from the source of life itself. But the truth is, we are all connected. We are all one, and the universe, in its infinite wisdom, is always guiding us.
When we align ourselves with this truth, fear no longer has control over us. Instead, we start to see every experience, every challenge, and every joy as part of the greater journey toward growth and understanding. In those moments of alignment, we can hear the whispers of the universe, guiding us, teaching us, and showing us the way forward.
Living from a place of love doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges, but it does mean we can face them with a sense of peace and purpose. We stop seeing obstacles as threats and begin viewing them as opportunities for growth. We trust that the universe is on our side, always conspiring for our good.
When we embrace our divine nature, we tap into the guidance that is always available to us. The signs, synchronicities, and intuitions that once seemed faint become clearer and louder. We begin to understand that we are co-creators of our reality, working in harmony with the universe.
At this point you very likely are asking yourself: how can I convince myself that I am so much more than I can see, smell and touch, especially when I am in traffic, ready to honk and yell at people surrounding me. Or you wonder, what can I do to feel better, feel connected to the Divine at the check out at the supermarket.
Here is the secret: There are many tricks one can try, and you will probably want to trial and error some of those for yourself, so I will name a couple of ideas for you today. In addition, I would like to stress that daily meditation, daily journalling is essential for anyone trying to weed through ego and day to day stressors, deciphering themselves as an expression of God. This is not a “take a pill or jump in a circle 3 times”- sort of tool. It is needed to commit yourself to a process in order to practice your faith and trust in the much bigger picture.
However, I believe, if you are here reading this far you are very likely already on a strong path of growth, so the simple tools I am going to name are free for you to try out and give us feedback on.
The first idea coming to mind would be to breathe, breathe consciously, inhale, exhale. Sense your distress, greet it, feel it in your body and observe it, while breathing as consciously as you possibly can. Let yourself sink into the situation. Feel your feet touching the ground, focus on where the pressure seems to be, feel throughout your body, finding places of comfort and discomfort. Observe, scan and breathe. Obviousle while driving you should never let your eye or Focus wonder anywhere away from the road. So please use these tools with caution. Being present during driving is important, so as long as your Focusing on breathing enables to be here in the moment, it will be helpful and safe.
This exercise alone might be enough some days to come back to center and to be able to let go off some of the stressors and pain. And if these instructions do remind you of a yoga class, then you are correct. These sorts of points of reference are often given to bring the yoga student into a form of Focus. Which is what we are all about here at Focus 30;0)
A next step could be speaking and/or thinking several general affirmations such as: “All is well.” “Everything is always working out for me.” “I am love”, “I am energy.” Keep saying them and see how they make you feel. If you want to scream, laugh or ridicule yourself, if your response seems a sarcastic hurtful one, please stop. Just plainly breathing and trying to find acceptance in the pain would be more recommended in that instance. If these affirmations seem to make you feel all well and relax you a little, keep repeating them at will. Grow that feeling of ease and connection, while speaking yourself into a state of knowing.
Once you are further along the road of growth and spiritual connection you can also try to bless everyone and every situation around you. Speak peace into the NOW, see the love and light in everything surrounding yourself. Admire the lights of traffic, the blinking the sparkles the gentleness of it all, or the power and impressiveness of it all. Find the magic, find the beauty of the moment.
If any of the above will not work for you, try to find acceptance in that as well. Every moment is an invitation to grow and heal. Sometimes the biggest growth is found in acceptance and letting go of the situation. Breathe through it, acknowledge the challenging nature of it all and make it through. After, make sure you rest. Nap, cry, sleep, go for a run. Whatever it takes to process that stressful energy. These steps take time, spiritual growth and healing never happens gradually. Setbacks and surprises are very likely to interfere with your journey, just as with anything in life. It’s a dance, it’s a process.
Do not let any of that discourage you from continuing to strive for deeper knowledge and understanding. The more you are aware of your divine essence, the more you will be able to live an authentic life of abundance and love.
So, please let this be a gentle reminder today: You are love. You are the essence of God. And when you remember this, you are free. Free from fear, free to grow, and free to trust the wisdom of the universe.
In love and light,
Romy at Focus 30